Ark Development Organisation

Ark Development Organization formally AMPA Resource Organization is a Non-Governmental Organization which emerged through the efforts of four (4) young Ghanaians and one Canadian who saw the need to offer social service and health education to rural communities. This vision came about when they realized on their regular visit to rural communities that most rural folks needed information about health related and environment issues such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, malaria, good hygiene and sanitation practices. The pioneers of Ark Development related the situation to high rate of illiteracy and poverty, hence the decision to render community development services to the rural folks.

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Mission Statement

ADO is a health, education, governance, agriculture and environmentally focused organization committed to improving the lives of deprived women, children and the disabled through capacity building, evidence-based advocacy and participatory innovative programmes and the operationalization of social enterprises.

Vision Statement

“Creating a world of equal opportunities”

Operational Objectives

  1. To promote the development initiatives of children, the youth, women and persons with disabilities.
  2. To provide a platform for the voiceless and the marginalized in society on good governance and human rights.
  3. To create awareness on communicable and non-communicable diseases and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
  4. To promote good practices on environment, climate change, water, sanitation and hygiene, and agriculture.
  5. To develop organizational capacity for internal strengthening and external networking towards effective community service delivery.
  6. To establish social enterprises for sustainable development.

Core Values

The following core operating values influence the culture and public image of AMPA Resource Organization as an effective community-based organization serving a wide variety of individuals and families.

ADO understands that deprived and marginalized people are part of society and when given the necessary platform they can perform and sometimes even perform better; we seek to assist as many people as our financial resources support.

ADO works with partners and development actors who share common vision.

ADO believes in increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender or economic strengths of individuals and communities by helping deprived individuals to make choices and to transform them into desired actions. Again, we believe that every individual has certain amount of capabilities and when exposed to them can make a change in his/her life.

ADO believes in acknowledging and assuming responsibility for our finances, actions, decisions, and policies including the administration and implementation within the scope of our work. We believe that accountability cannot exist without proper practices.

ADO believes in operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what actions are performed in the organization. All draft documents, all arguments for and against a proposal, all final decisions, and the decision-making process of the organization are made public and remain publicly archived where necessary.

The activities of the organization involve all categories of persons such as children, youth, men and women, the marginalized, vulnerable and the socially excluded.

Respecting the views of all stakeholders, staff, beneficiaries especially those of women, children, PWDs and vulnerable adults.

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